Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Parking Violation

Pat Mundy (friend from Enid), Jerry and I returned to Pat's very new and very large GMC 3/4 ton truck which Jerry had carefully parked in a Silver Dollar City parking lot straddling a white line to keep it from being dinged..and found the following note on the windshield: PARKING VIOLATION State...license number...time...make of automobile..(all properly filled in ) This is not a ticket, but if it were within my power, you would receive two. Because of your bull-headed, inconsiderate, feeble attempt at parking, you have taken enough room for a 20 mule team, 2 elephants, 1 goat and a safari of pygmies from the African interior. The reason for giving you this is so that in the future you may think of someone else, other than yourself. Besides, I don't like domineering, egotistical or simple minded drivers and you probably fit into one of these categories. I sign off wishing you an early transmission failure (on the expressway at about 4:30 p.m.) Also may the Fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits. With my compliments. It was all worth it just to receive this ticket at the end of our day!!!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I've always wondered what to say to those that take 2 I know. Wow

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