Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The New Year

It does seem like a good idea, doesn't it, when a New Year rolls around...a new beginning...new opportunities..clean slate..and all that.  I am no different-I see the possibilities in the upcoming year, and I think "YES, I CAN" take on some new challenges.  This year, its a continuation of an online class called "One Little Word" - where I select a word and focus on it all through the year--and so I will.  (I know I can do better than I did last year--when I would grade myself with an "F", so perhaps this year is a do-over!) You'll learn more about my word through my blogs this year.

 In addition I have a wonderful new book entitled "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin, which has caught my imagination.  I'm not unhappy.  I am basically a happy person, and surrounded by  a husband and daughters who are also happy people..so maybe its in our genes!  But I don't ever want to forget how fortunate I have been in my walk, and I always want to appreciate it. So why not join Gretchen as we work our way through the year focusing on the Happiness Project.

For January the challenge will be energy - and this involves lots of things - making sure I get enough sleep every night and developing new habits that will contribute to that; exercising better and more consistently (and I am so looking forward to heading towards AZ tomorrow where the walking is really great!).  Creating more energy for myself means getting myself better organized as well - working harder at simplifying my life and our life (living in a 24' RV is definitely simplifying--I'll concern myself with the house when I get back home!)

And the 365 Project - a picture a day beginning tomorrow (I know, I'm already two weeks late, but I didn't learn about this until this past week, so that makes it OK!)  These will be posted on FB  -- surely I can manage one pic a day!  Some days it will be the challenge to select WHICH of the pics best speaks of the day.

  These are my three challenges for the rest of January - there's a fourth one being added in February, but I'll get to that in a February blog.  Meanwhile, it will be enough to concentrate on these 3.  I think they all fit together rather well - and I am excited by the challenge of pursuing them.

Stay tuned!

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