Monday, February 16, 2009

A book lovers dream come true

For YEARS we have heard about the VNSA Used Book Sale in Phoenix, because our sister-in-law has been a volunteer for over twenty years. The booksale held its 53rd sale this past weekend, and we could not only attend but also could be volunteers and help out. This exceptional group offers over 600,000 books which have been sorted, categorized and priced all year long in their warehouse, and then set up in the fairgrounds in the most amazing display you have ever seen. Given the economy this year, no one knew what might be the outcome..but when we arrived shortly after 7 a.m., the waiting line was huge..some folks come during the night before to be first in line. You can see them outside waiting for the main doors to open, as those of us inside had the "countdown" to 8 a.m. Grocery carts are available for customers, but lots of people come prepared with rolling luggage, backpacks, duffles, whatever--and the books go out in all manner of carry-alls! We bought our own choices of reading material for the upcoming months (since I no longer am living next door to the public library!) The charities supported by the VNSA will be blessed once again, as the group raised about $440,000! One of our treats at the booksale was to meet up with Nancy Howard and her friend Otto. Nancy is a Facebook friend of ours now, but she is also a friend of my brother's in Phoenix when they both served in the Air National Guard, AND her real claim to fame is that she is from southwest Missouri--grew up in Aurora MO and her family is from Crane she and Jerry go way back. And by the way, my little brother had a birthday while we were in Phoenix, so we had a marvelous family dinner and celebrated the fact that he now another year older, and trying to catch up to his older sister!

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