Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A new Water Well

DSC01702 copy DSC01699 Another water well has been dug in the Presbytery of Eastern Uganda, and we are humbled at this gift in our honor. What a blessing! We in our country take so much for granted - and clean water is just one of those. We turn on taps, turn on showers, open the hose, and there it is. But in Uganda, clean water is a precious commodity. With the digging of 37 wells by First Presbyterian Church of Midland, we have shared in the gift of better health for many of our brothers and sisters. These pictures bring tears to our eyes and joy to our hearts. Thank you!

1 comment:

Valley Girl said...

WOW...what a sight to see...what a honor. May all those who drink from that well be truley blessed and thirst no more.

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