Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Marionville White Squirrel - at last!

I first visited the Hiltons in Crane MO in 1962. The closest town is Marionville MO, billed as "the home of the white squirrels". What white squirrels? Jerry has always said he has seen them there, but I never ever saw a white squirrel. 47 years later, I have just seen my first white squirrel in Marionville. It happened last Saturday, when we were in Marionville to visit the Pumpkin Patch with our Monett friends. Jerry and I took a little drive through the town- actually Jerry was looking to see if he could find his great-aunt's house...and he said "there is a white squirrel that you say doesn't exist in Marionville." WOW. I not only saw it with my own eyes, but I got to take pictures of it. Thank you, white squirrel, for finally coming in to my life! You really do exist.

1 comment:

CJTacky said...

That brings back memories of PSCE. Aren't they cute? Our mascot was the white squirrel - Elmo. What fun!

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