On Dec. 11, 2006, the Crane Presbyterian Church burned to the ground in a devastating fire late in the evening following the church's Christmas program...for Jerry as well as many many others, it was a great loss--years of memories of being raised in that church, the beautiful stained glass windows, the library of photos and memorabilia, and on and on the list goes. As the word spread, many folks gathered nearby to watch the fire burn out, pray for the firemen who were able to keep it from spreading, and share their grief and tears together. The next day the back wall of the sanctuary was left standing with its 3 crosses, which were metal.
2009 - Jerry has the privilege of preaching for six weeks in the Crane Presbyterian Church in a new and vital location
on the east edge of town. The 3 metal crosses have been remounted on wooden crosses, and are hanging on a wall in the narthex, as you can see in the photo. The pulpit was one which was not in use in the sanctuary, but was in the entryway and was pulled from the building before it spread that far. My favorite is the cross on the communion table, which received its baptism by fire, and now stands on the communion table, reminding us that Jesus is always the center, no matter what happens to that which is made by hands. Isaiah says: Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?...The people whom I formed for myself so that they might declare my praise.